Here are our rules, so far:

Exponent Rule #1: ( a^n ) ( a^m ) = a^(n+m) Exponent Rule #2: a^n / a^m = a^(n-m)
Exponent Rule #3: ( a^n)^m = a^nm
Exponent Rule #4: 1 / a^(-n) = a^n Exponent Rule #4: a^(-n) = 1 / a^n

Now, we can do problems that use more than one of these.  Exciting, isn't it?

Check it out:

Let's simplify this guy:

2 ( x^2 )^4 ( w^3 )^6 ( x^7 )^2 ( w ) = 2 ( x^22 ) ( w^19 )